Living Vulnerably

Di. 30.4.2024

Beginn um 19.15 Uhr
Abschluss um 22.00 Uhr

Zürich Friedenskirche


Hans Christoph Bär
Hans Christoph Baer (DMin, International Theological Seminary, Los Angeles) has worked with his wife Beatrice with OMF among the Karen people of northern Thailand for thirty years. Since 2021 he is pastor of Chrischona/Viva Kirche Brunnen (SZ). He is author of several books in German, English, Thai and Karen including “Animistic World View and Its Implication on Teaching God’s Word” (2016).
joint event with VBG

We are used to protecting ourselves as much as possible in life and training ourselves to live and act from a position of strength. But what does Paul's statement mean in this context: "When I am weak, then I am strong"? What does it mean to live vulnerably in a world where strength counts? What are the consequences?


Josua Stettler

Social Media

Studium: Sekundarstufe MA

Musik und Gemeinschaft sind meine Leidenschaft. Ich schaffe gerne neues, handwerklich oder digital. Mit mir kann man über alles reden, am liebsten über irgendeinen lustigen Unsinn.

Mein Herzensanliegen ist, die gute Botschaft und die Liebe von Jesus weiterzugeben.